Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk presented information in Parliament concerning the priorities of the Polish Presidency, which will commence on 1 July this year. The Prime Minister emphasised that during the Presidency the government wants not just to maintain but to increase Poland’s status as a responsible and highly valued state.
“It is expected that the Presidency will allow us to jointly create political leadership which does not consist of taking routine decisions but which may help the EU as a whole,” he said. “It is of paramount importance that during the Presidency we can maintain and increase Poland’s status as a country which is highly valued in internal EU debates and which demonstrates a high level of responsibility with regard to the EU’s foreign relations,” he underlined, adding that Poland will also want to maintain and increase its status as a responsible country in dealing with economic and financial issues.
The Prime Minister stressed that Poland has developed its image as a state which is capable of being a new driving force in the European Union. “Today Poland is treated as one of the leaders – of which unfortunately there are few in the EU – which strive to force through issues of EU-wide significance,” stated the Prime Minister. In his view, from the beginning of the economic crisis Poland constantly came out against the revival of state control and nationalism which was visible in the actions and statements of some politicians and EU Member States.
Mr Tusk drew attention to the fact that it is important for good political initiatives to emerge during the Polish Presidency. “We have a significant interest in Poland’s Presidency being remembered by Europeans through issues including the finalising of long-term processes,” he said. “It is possible that during the Polish Presidency we will see the completion of negotiations with Croatia, which would mean that the accession treaty will be signed during the Presidency,” stated the Prime Minister. He added that completion of negotiations with Ukraine on an association agreement and agreement on free trade is also realistic. “This would be the first successful step in the process of bringing Ukraine closer to Europe,” the Prime Minister stated.
Full article – Polish Presidency of the EU.
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