Archive for October, 2015



Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 37,58 procent głosów 235 mandatów
Platforma Obywatelska 24,09 138
Kukiz ’15 8,81 42
Nowoczesna 7,69 28
Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe 5,13 16
Mniejszość niemiecka 1


Zjednoczona Lewica 7,55%
KORWiN 4,76
Razem 3,62


Frekwencja wyborcza wyniosła 50,92 procent.




Prawo i Sprawiedliwość 61 mandatów
Platforma Obywatelska 34
Polskie Stronnictwo Ludowe 1


Poland has signed a deal to build the first gas pipeline connecting the Baltic states to the EU energy market. The pipeline will integrate EU and Baltic energy markets and reduce dependence on Russian gas.

The 558 million euro ($636 million) gas pipeline will end the energy isolation of the Baltic countries by connecting the gas markets of Poland and Lithuania, the European Commission said

“Today we have done much more than bringing the energy isolation of the Baltic States to an end. We have brought the region further together,” European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said. “We are launching a project that will allow us to overcome historic limitations, including the direction of gas supplies from East to West,” PM Kopacz told a press conference.

The 534-kilometer (332-mile) Gas Interconnector Poland-Lithuania (GIPL) will be backed by a 305 million euro investment from the European Commission, which has set out the goal of creating an integrated European gas market and ensuring members have multiple supplies of energy. Once the GIPL is built, it will connect the Lithuanian, Estonian and Latvian gas network with the EU. The pipeline is scheduled to be completed by December 2019.

Earlier this week, PM Ewa Kopacz opened a liquefied natural gas terminal at the Baltic port of Świnoujście, northern Poland, which is yet another move expected to improve the energy independence of the country. The first shipment of LNG is expected to arrive from Qatar in December

The crash of flight MH17 on 17 July 2014 was caused by the detonation of a 9N314M-type warhead launched from the eastern part of Ukraine using a Buk missile system. So says the investigation report published by the Dutch Safety Board today. Moreover, it is clear that Ukraine already had sufficient reason to close the airspace over the eastern part of Ukraine as a precaution before 17 July 2014. None of the parties involved recognised the risk posed to overflying civil aircraft by the armed conflict in the eastern part of Ukraine.

Full Report

Aleksander Lukashenko has won a fifth term as president of Belarus with a victory that could ease relations with the West and raise questions about his ties to Vladimir Putin’s Russia.
Lukashenko won 83.5% of the vote, the Central election commission said, 3.5% more than in the 2010 elections. Turnout was 86.75%, the commission added.
No veteran opposition leaders stood as they were not allowed to register. They said that the vote would not be free or fair. Dozens of opposition supporters held a protest march in the capital Minsk after the polls closed.
Relations with Moscow have shown signs of strain. In September, Vladimir Putin approved a plan to build an airbase in Belarus, but Lukashenko said his country had no need for such a base.
The EU will lift its sanctions on Belarus, including those on Lukashenko, for four months after the vote, diplomatic sources reported last week.

В Донецке спокойно и тихо. Со времени последних перестрелок прошло больше четырех суток и были они больше на лентах новостей…
«У нас все спокойно и по плану – сообщил МК источник в правительстве самопровозглашенной ДНР – отвод вооружений ниже 100 мм должен начаться с севера, со стороны Луганска. После 18 октября дойдет очередь и до нас. На весь процесс отмерено 41 день. Мы свою часть выполним!»… UkrTank1

В этом есть какой-то парадокс. На фоне споров вокруг проведения (отмены) выборов 18 октября и жестких заявлений официального Киева о том, что голосования в нарушение Минска-2 быть не должно и ему будут мешать всеми доступными способами, на военном фронте тишь…

Пока обе стороны готовятся к отводу вооружений. Проще было бы сказать к «отводу танков», поскольку главной «разрешенной» силой с обеих сторон в последнее время были танковые орудия и гораздо более скромные батареи 85 мм. минометов…

Правда и тут были свои хитрости…

Теперь все «заготовки» уйдут в тыл. Серьезность последних договоренностей подтверждается целым рядом примет. Во-первых, везде говорят о строгости приказов о прекращении огня. Во-вторых, резко активизировалась миссия ОБСЕ, которая вчера вдруг обнаружила скопление танков армии ДНР под Мариуполем. Такой принципиальности наблюдатели давно не проявляли…

А пока слухи о том, что нынешнее перемирие может стать «тем самым», последним перед миром распространяются все шире, в Донецк возвращаются люди. В городе все больше машин премиум-сегмента. Рассказывают о личном возвращении крупных бизнесменов, имеющих отношение к строительству и металлургии. Поговаривают о возможном приезде в декабре Рината Ахметова.

И все ждут 18 октября. В этой дате сошлось все – и выборы и отвод артиллерии, как еще один внятный маркер возможного наступления мира.

Статья – Дмитрий Дурнев  Московский Kомсомолец  №26930 от 6 октября 2015    –  Dmitry Durnev  Moskovskij Komsomolets.

 Vladimir Putin ha fatto bene i conti nel gettarsi nel ginepraio mediorientale? Gli aspetti da considerare nell’intervento in corso sono i più disparati: da quello economico a quello della sicurezza interna; da quello militare a quello politico-religioso.

L’economia russa si trova oggi a convivere con una crisi strutturale e con il fallimento del modello di sviluppo. La pioggia di proventi a catinelle, generati dalla vendita delle materie prime, si sta estinguendo facendo emergere scogli inaggirabili da due decenni. PalmiraSyria

I forzieri sono ancora pieni di dollari, ma questi potrebbero finire presto senza un allentamento delle sanzioni occidentali. Il tempo delle decisioni impopolari si avvicina, quindi. Ecco perché non è chiaro dove Putin troverà i soldi per la nuova guerra.

Colpire gli estremisti fuori dai confini patri significa inoltre tornare ad essere un bersaglio dell’“internazionale del terrore” come negli anni Novanta, quando gli attentati erano continui. I servizi di sicurezza hanno preparato filtri, collaudati in Caucaso, ma il sangue potrebbe scorrere ugualmente. La popolazione è disposta a ripiombare nella paura provata a lungo più di un quindicennio fa?

Come dimostrato in passato, i raid aerei sono poco effettivi senza un’azione terreste coordinata. La portata dell’operazione russa è per ragioni logistiche limitata. Cosa pensa di fare allora Putin di diverso dagli altri? Una fotografia a Palmira liberata dagli incivili che distruggono uno dei patrimoni dell’umanità? Per queste ragioni l’attuale operazione federale in Siria appare finora più che altro mediatica e con scopi diversi da quelli mediorientali.

Occupare mezza Ucraina fino a Kiev o abbattere lo Stato islamico, impiegando 50-100mila suoi uomini, è per Mosca possibile. Il problema semmai, come ha provato la tragedia afghana, è gestire un impossibile dopoguerra. Una tale azione, indubbiamente, servirebbe a levare pressione estremista dai confini meridionali dell’ex Urss.

Mosca si schiera ora apertamente con gli sciti (iraniani, alawiti, hezbollah, tagichi) contro gli interessi sunniti (sauditi in primis, in parte occidentali) in una regione in cui tutti combattono contro tutti, cambiando spesso bandiera, senza una logica di lungo respiro. L’unica sorpresa potrebbe essere rappresentata da un’azione terreste contemporanea vincente di tutte le forze scite locali, sostenute da Mosca. Allora la figuraccia occidentale sarebbe sì di proporzioni galattiche.

Per adesso, quello siriano sembra l’ennesimo abituale rilancio di Putin. Il problema è che, prima o poi, bisogna mostrare le carte che si hanno in mano.


A long waited summit for peace in eastern Ukraine ended with a call for the delay of contentious rebel plans to hold local elections this month and for both sides to begin a promised withdrawal of smaller-caliber weapons.
Russian President Vladimir Putin met Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Paris. The summit was the first since the leaders worked out a peace deal in Minsk in February. NormanQuartet

“We don’t want elections to get held in eastern Ukrainian territories under conditions that would not respect Minsk,” Hollande said. The Minsk deal includes a year-end deadline for Kyiv to recover full control over its border with Russia.

The Ukrainian pullback will take 41 days. “The war will be over when the last piece of the Ukrainian land has been liberated,” Poroshenko said.

Merkel, who described a “positive mood” at the Paris meeting, said after the talks that Putin had “committed to working towards…establishing the conditions that would allow elections to take place according to Minsk, based on Ukrainian law, in a coordinated fashion between the separatists in Donetsk and Luhansk and the Ukrainian government.”

But the separatists’ representatives in Donetsk and Luhansk have previously announced they would conduct elections on their own terms on October 18 and November 1, respectively, without the involvement of the Ukrainian government.
The regular regional elections in the rest of the country are scheduled for October 25.


We are a group of long experienced European journalists and intellectuals interested in international politics and culture. We would like to exchange our opinion on new Europe and Russia.



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